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How to join the airdrop:
1. Sign up 
2. Do the tasks to earn entries
3. Share your referral link as much as you can!

The bad thing about this airdrop is, you only receive tokens
if you make it between the top 1000.
So, in other words, you have to do a damn good job with your referral link,
is the only chance to get there!  


1st place - 10.000 9Coins 
2nd - 10th places - 7.000   9COINs 
10 - 50 places - 4.000   9COINs 
50 - 100 places - 2.000   9COINs 
100 - 500 places - 1.000   9COINs 
500 - 1000 places - 500    9COINs

Airdrop ENDS in July 15.

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